Happy Sugar Life Season 2 may seem unlikely, especially considering how the anime’s ending is handled. Satou Matsuzaka and Shio Kobe are were set up for a sad ending in Episode 12, but is it possible events can continue in some fashion?
The story of the anime is based on the Happy Sugar Life manga series illustrated and written by Tomiyaki Kagisora. Serialized since 2015, the manga is up to eight volumes as of June 2018 and over 40 chapters as of the ending of the anime adaptation.
In May 2019, it was announced that the manga would be ending on June 22, 2019. The final two volumes, Volume 9 and Volume 10, will be released simultaneously on July 22, 2019.
The English translation was licensed by Yen Press in July 2018. Volume 1 came out in May 2019, with Volume 2 and 3 scheduled for the fall of 2019. However, there are active fan-made scanlation projects that are only several chapters behind the Japanese release.
Updated May 24, 2019: Added news of Happy Sugar Life manga ending. Updated related analysis.
This article provides everything that is known about Happy Sugar Life Season 2 and all related news. As such, this article will be updated over time with news, rumors, and analysis. Meanwhile, let’s delve down into what is known for certain.
Happy Sugar Life manga compared to the anime
Manga fans love it when an anime adaptation stays faithful to the source material. But in the case of the Happy Sugar Life anime, Episode 1 immediately provided heavy foreshadowing for a potentially sad ending. But that’s not how the manga started at all.
Instead, manga Chapter 1 was all of the story events of the first episode. That one-to-one pacing did not last, and by the end of the anime, the TV show was averaging about three to four chapters per episode.
For example, Episode 7 portrayed Chapters 16 and 17, which showed how Satou’s aunt was still alive. Episode 9 corresponded to Chapter 23 (ending of Volume 5), which was when Satou’s friend, Shouko, was murdered.
Episode 11, An Eternal Moment With You, shares the same title as Chapter 37 of Volume 8. Happy Sugar Life Episode 12 ended way ahead of the manga since only two unadapted chapters were available when the finale aired in Japan.
Warning: Major spoilers for the anime’s ending are contained in the following paragraphs.
The ending of the anime was very dark just like the manga intended. Chapter 39 had Shouko’s lifeless body being used like a toy doll by Satou. Chapter 40, which released in Japan mere days before Happy Sugar Life Episode 12 aired, showed Satou and Shio leaving together the cleaned out apartment while carrying luggage.
Just like in the anime, the apartment fire started up in the manga in Chapters 41 through 43. It seems the manga author intends on making Satou pay the price for her actions.
The good news is that except for the fire in the opening episode, the anime was faithful to the manga series. The bad news is that the Happy Sugar Life Episode 12 was actually ahead of the manga, so it’s impossible to read ahead assuming the author intends on continuing the story somehow with Shio.

Happy Sugar Life Season 2 release date: Is this the final ending?
As of the last update, Studio Ezola or any company related to the production of the anime has not officially confirmed the Happy Sugar Life Season 2 release date. Nor has the production of a sequel been announced.
Once the news is officially confirmed, this article will be updated with the relevant information. In the meantime, it’s possible to speculate about when, or if, the Happy Sugar Life Season 2 premiere date will occur in the future.
Fans are already hoping that a Happy Sugar Life OVA episode is produced to fill in the few story gaps left by the anime adaptation. But the real question is whether an anime sequel is possible based on the manga, which has not yet reached an ending.
Overall, as of Episode 11, the anime follows the manga very closely with the exception of some skipped content. It seems the manga author communicated his intended final ending to the story to the anime staff, so Episode 12 represents the path the manga will take for the ending.
Whether or not this ending leaves an opening for Happy Sugar Life Season 2 is debatable. It could be argued that Shio is happy in her reborn sugar life and will become Satou 2.0. Will a manga sequel continue in that vein and allow for a second anime season in future years? Stay tuned!