Anime fans expecting Made In Abyss Season 2 to be announced any day in 2019 were in for a surprise when a third Made In Abyss movie was announced.
Movie teaser posters were handed out to people in theaters screening the Journey’s Dawn film and now the official Twitter account for the anime series has revealed the title as Made in Abyss the Movie: Dawn of the Deep Soul (Gekijoban Made in Abyss: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei).
Oddly enough, Made In Abyss manga series creator Tsukushi apparently couldn’t make it to the Journey’s Dawn screenings.
“My parents went to the theater instead of me who couldn’t go to the prequel. Wow,” he tweeted.
Once the Made In Abyss movie sequel was officially announced, he wrote, “Thanks to all of you. This is just a story, but it is amazing.”
Made In Abyss music composer Kevin Penkin (who is also doing the music for the Rising Of The Shield Hero anime) also chimed in, saying, ”
Be ready. Be so, so f**king ready. Not planning to pull many punches at all. “
新作エピソードのタイトルは、「劇場版メイドインアビス 深き魂の黎明」に決定!
— TVアニメ「メイドインアビス」公式 (@miabyss_anime) January 4, 2019
お楽しみに… #miabyss pic.twitter.com/NsPXFbax4n
Not much is known about the new anime film except for the title. The
Made In Abyss movie release date not yet been announced nor has the staff and cast been revealed.
However, the voice actors for Reg, Riko, and Nanachi (Mariya Ise, Miyu Tomita, and Isawa Shiori, respectively) have already expressed their desire to work the anime sequel. The biggest addition to the cast will likely be the voice actress for a new character named Prushka (for more details please see our article for Made In Abyss spoilers).
While the first two MiA films were simply a recap compilation of the first season, the new Made In Abyss movie will apparently be a true sequel that continues where the story left off. Anime studio Sentai Filmworks confirmed that a Made In Abyss sequel was greenlit for production back in November 2018 and now we officially know the format.
The story will focus on the inhuman White Whistle Bondrewd, the so-called Lord Of Dawn. Bondrewd performed horrific experiments on Nanachi and Mitty and the first season left audiences hanging with an ending that promised more. While the story has given audiences plenty of reason to hate Bondrewd, there are surprising twists to the character of the mysterious delver.

Waiting even longer for the Made In Abyss Season 2 release date may not sound too appealing to some anime fans but for others, their bodies are ready for the rumble of scientific progress. The Bondrewd story arc is perfectly sized for a movie and the events in Idofront are more action-packed so the higher production value standards will certainly help keep the animation fluid.