The Four Knights of the Apocalypse manga series has been announced as The Seven Deadly Sins sequel.
Called Nanatsu no Taizai: Mokushiroku no Yon-Kishi, the new manga series by Nakaba Suzuki was announced in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine as part of the final chapter of the Nanatsu no Taizai manga’s ending.
In November 2020, it was announced by Weekly Shonen Magazine that The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse release date is scheduled for January 27, 2021.
In December 2020, it was revealed that the story for The Seven Deadly Sins manga sequel will be located in Britannia once again. The story will open in a place called God’s Finger.
On February 23, 2021, Kodansha Comics announced that The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse English translation would be released simultaneously with the Japanese version. The first five chapters have already been released on Crunchyroll, Kindle, BookWalker, and Comixology.
Here is the official plot summary as provided by Kodansha Comics:
In the world of The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse, Percival has always lived with his grandfather on the idyllic, remote God’s Finger. And though Percival loves the simple life, he longs for adventure. That is, until adventure comes knocking at his door, tearing away everything he’s ever known and leaving him alone in the world. Now Percival has no choice but to go out into the world and see what it holds…after all, it’s his destiny!
The final chapter for the Nanatsu no Taizai manga series was The Seven Deadly Sins Chapter 346: Like That Sky. The final tankobon-format manga volume, Volume 41, was released in Japan on May 15, 2020.
Kodansha Comics’ English translation of The Seven Deadly Sins Volume 41 released on November 24, 2020. If you don’t want to buy the book, you can read the English translation on Crunchyroll, which is only one week behind the Japanese release.
The final season of The Seven Deadly Sins anime TV series released in 2021. A direct anime sequel, The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light movie, was scheduled to release in Summer 2021.
Lead color page preview of Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, the sequel of Nanatsu no Taizai which is starting serialization in Shonen Magazine this upcoming Tuesday pic.twitter.com/bGgJMmuKBa
— Shonen Magazine News (@WSM_manga) January 23, 2021
Back in February 2020, Suzuki said that he planned on creating side stories for some of the characters “someday.”
However, these side stories will be released after he “begins serializing a new work,” which in retrospect was a reference to The Seven Deadly Sins: The Four Knights of the Apocalypse.
So, far not much is known about The Four Knights of the Apocalypse’s story beyond Chapter 5. In the past, Suzuki has said multiple times that he intended on creating a sequel loosely based on King Arthur’s myths.
“It’s true, I borrowed the names of characters that appeared in the King Arthur tales, but each of their personalities and the story itself is my original work,” Suzuki said. “They’re an awesome group of people determined to carry out their own sense of justice, even if others call them villains.”
Warning: The remainder of this news story contains spoilers!

Updated February 24, 2021: Added English details and plot summary.
Updated December 28, 2020: Added setting details.
Updated November 12, 2020: Added The Four Knights of the Apocalypse release date.
The Seven Deadly Sins: The Four Knights of the Apocalypse manga’s story focuses on Elizabeth and Meliodas’ son Tristan
Warning: The following contains major spoilers for the original manga’s ending and The Seven Deadly Sins Season 5 anime, which has been confirmed to be in production.
Thus far, The Four Knights of the Apocalypse manga has featured a young Percival as the main character. But since it’s a direct sequel it will likely feature the Holy Knight Tristan, the son of Meliodas and Queen Elizabeth.
The young prince’s 10th birthday celebration was the focus of The Seven Deadly Sins manga’s ending.
Prince Tristan not only told his parents that he would become a Holy Knight when he grows up, but the carbon copy of his father also wants to become “one of the seven deadly sins” when he’s an adult.
Tritan also knows Howzer and Hendrickson.
In legends concerning King Arthur, Sir Tristan was a knight of the round table and the son of Meliodas, King of Lyoness. Sir Tristan became a knightly champion but fell into trouble when escorting Princess Iseult of Ireland.
Iseult was supposed to marry King Mark of Cornwall, but then Tristan and Iseult fell madly in love and ran away together.
Fairy King Harlequin and Giant Queen Diane also confirmed that they have a child of their own, but the age, gender, and name of this kid was not detailed. Presumably, this unnamed child will become one of the four new knights.
Unfortunately, Arthurian legend does not provide any hints about King and Diane’s kid, although the giantess was named after Diana of the Wood and fairy king after King Herla.
But this ancient goddess did not have children, and the ancient tales of King Herla only say that his wife cheated on him with a dwarf king with no mention of children.
That leaves two other spots to fill the ranks of these four apocalyptic knights. Fans would have loved Escanor and Merlin to hook up, but since Escanor died it’s possible one of the four apocalypse knights could be a magical reincarnation with the power of Sunshine.
Presumably, King Ban and Elaine will have a child named Lancelot. In Arthurian legend, King Ban of Benwick and his wife, Elaine of Benoic, are the parents of Sir Lancelot and Elaine is also the person to show Lancelot the Holy Grail.
Considering that Sir Lancelot caused trouble in the legends by betraying King Arthur, it’s possible Ban and Elaine’s child will somehow trigger the apocalypse.
But we’ll just have to wait until The Seven Deadly Sins: The Four Knights of the Apocalypse manga comes out to find out.

The Seven Deadly Sins fan fiction predicted The Four Knights of the Apocalypse manga years ago
Fans searching for more information about the new manga series might stumble upon a Fandom page called Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
It’s a The Seven Deadly Sins fan fiction page and, surprisingly, it provided a fairly accurate prediction of the actual manga sequel even though written years ago.
Similarly titled to the actual Mokushiroku no Yon-Kishi, it’s called Mokushiroku no no Shi-Ri no Kishi. All four Horsemen have powers inherited from their parents, the Sins, but there are notable differences.
The Horseman of War Tristan may be Meliodas’ child, but she’s also a woman who suspiciously resembles Saber of the Fate series. The Horseman of Death is fittingly Lancelot, the son of Ban and Elaine.
Then there is the Horseman of Pestilence Kaishi, the son of King and Diane, and the Horseman of Famine Taiyo, the son of Escanor and Merlin (this fanfic was written before Escanor’s death in the manga).
Of course, Suzuki likes to name his characters after Western tales, so it seems unlikely that The Four Knights of the Apocalypse characters will have Japanese names.
The Four Knights of the Apocalypse anime could be The Seven Deadly Sins Season 6?
It’s already been confirmed that The Seven Deadly Sins Season 5 anime will be called Nanatsu no Taizai: Fundo no Shinpan (The Seven Deadly Sins: Judgment of Fury). The fifth and final season will finish off adapting the story of the original manga series.
Assuming the new manga is popular enough, it’s possible that The Four Knights of the Apocalypse anime could be The Seven Deadly Sins Season 6.
Unfortunately, since the new manga chapters will be released weekly, it will take at least two years before a new anime could be produced.
So, don’t expect to hear any news about The Four Knights of the Apocalypse anime until 2022 at the earliest. Stay tuned!