Dead By Daylight fans are in for a treat because Dead By Daylight’s first anime collab event is with Attack on Titan! Some fans are confused at this choice since Attack on Titan isn’t a horror anime, but let’s be honest.
Most people will run if they see a Titan, and running is your best chance to survive in Dead By Daylight. Some details are still unknown, but Dbd News @dbdnewsofficail on Twitter is releasing updates regularly!

What do we know about the event?
Most of the information is from Dbd News’s official TwitLonger page, and the rest is taken from various Tweets on the Dbd News account. The event will begin on July 19, 2022.
Ten skins or costumes are available for purchase, and five charms you can get after fulfilling certain conditions. Sadly, players won’t be able to become a Titan, and there hasn’t been any news on new maps to take advantage of the Titan’s heights.
But that doesn’t mean we won’t see some horrendous trials with them in mind. With less than a week till the event starts, there’s still plenty for Behavior Interactive to share.
The picture above shows the first three skins for the event: Hange for Zarina Kassir, Armored Titan for The Oni, and Eren Jager for Dwight Fairfield. Joining them is Annie for Kate Denson, Armin for Felix Richter, Levi for Jake Park, Mikasa for Yui Kimura, Reiner for Ace Visconti, Sasha for Meg Thomas, and The Female Titan for The Spirit.
How do you get the charms?
You can receive the Cadet Corps Charm simply by logging into Dead By Daylight during the event. Sadly, this is the only true freebie that we know about.
Buy any Survivor Skins for the event, and the Garrison Regiment Crest charm is yours. In addition, you can get the Scout Regiment Crest Charm by buying any three Skins.
The Military Police Regiment Crest Charm can be unlocked by buying two of the Skins. Unforuteneatly, it’s unknown how to obtain the final charm, which has a Titan peering out at you from within one of the walls!
Since this charm is still unknown, I’m guessing you’ll need to buy both Killer Skins or all ten. But that’s one of the details still unknown: how much will these Skins cost?
You can check out new updates on Dbd News Twitter here!