What defines a great film is debated and defined by many. Some focus on the plot, certain scenes, characters, the ending, and music.
Music sets the tone, draws the audience, and should be stuck in our heads long after the credits roll. Makoto Shinkai, RADWIMPS, and Kazuma Jinnouchi have created the music for Your Name and Weathering with You.
This makes Suzume or Suzume no Tojimari their third and arguably the best movie so far, and the trailers are proof of that. But what’s most memorable in the trailers is the theme song, and we now know who the vocalist is!

The Suzume theme song music
Yojioro Noda of RADWIMPS wanted a mysterious voice for the theme song, Suzume. The music team listened to countless SNS platforms and finally auditioned several, but when Toaka started singing, Yojioro knew she was the one.
Toaka began her passion for music by playing the oboe in her middle school brass band. She formed her dream band in high school, but they had to disband after a year.
Toaka played in live performances during high school. She learned how to play the acoustic guitar and wrote her own songs.
Not wanting to give up music, Toaka began to record herself in her closet and uploaded the videos to TikTok. She has a unique voice that changes expression based on what she’s singing.
Great music deserves a great story!
I watched Your Name and Weathering with You, and each plot is outstanding. Makoto Shinkai is a master of setting the mood, tempting us with the familiar tropes, only to thrust us into the unknown without a second to breathe!
With November 11, 2022, steadily approaching, we still don’t know much about the movie. Such as why The Mysterious Young Man, now named, Sota Munakata, wants to find the Doors.
Or how Suzume can open them. The trailer also introduces us to a little white cat and a stool that somehow comes to life.
Is Suzume the cause, or is she a victim of circumstance?
Who is Kazuma Jinnouchi?
Kazuma Jinnouchi has created musical scores for many films, video games, and anime. But it was Metal Gear Solid that made his name famous in 2006.
He’s also worked on Halo 5: Guardians, Marvel’s Iron Man VR, Netflix’s “ULTRAMAN,” Star Wars Visions: The Ninth Jedi, Detective Pikachu, Jumanji: Next Level, and more.
RADWIMPS was formed in 2001 and made its major debut in 2005. They strive to make music that doesn’t fit into a single genre.
And this also applies to the lyrics, as they can be philosophical and cover many themes. They won the Outstanding Achievement in Music Award at the 40th for Your Name and 43rd for Weathering with You at the Japanese Academy.